Accountants Weekly - 20 april 2022
Wat de internationale accountantsorganisaties willen dat u weet, elke week netjes gestructureerd in uw e-mailbox!
Over de hele wereld verschijnen er nieuwsberichten en andere relevante stukken voor accountants. Wekelijks verzamelen we deze berichten per ‘instituut’. Mist u relevante internationale nieuwsbronnen, tip ons dan.
CPA Canada
- efrag's feedback statement on subsidiaries without public accountability - disclosures
- efrag administrative board webcast meeting 20 april 2022
Gobal Reporting
Funding the future of sustainability reporting
Q1 2022 ifrs interpretations committee podcast now available
Jackie cottrell to depart as director of the pcaob’s office of external affairs
Pcaob sanctions two registered public accounting firms for improper use of unregistered firms
Securities and Exchange Commission