Accountants Weekly - 29 maart 2023
Wat de internationale accountantsorganisaties willen dat u weet, elke week netjes gestructureerd in uw e-mailbox
Over de hele wereld verschijnen er nieuwsberichten en andere relevante stukken voor accountants. Wekelijks verzamelen we deze berichten per ‘instituut’. Mist u relevante internationale nieuwsbronnen, tip ons dan.
CPA Canada
- efrag sustainability reporting technical expert group meeting 24 march 2023
- efrag sustainability reporting board meeting 22 march 2023
- passing of pedro solbes - former efrag supervisory board chairman
- efrag sustainability reporting technical expert group meeting 27 march 2023
- efrag sustainability reporting board meeting 30 march 2023
Gobal Reporting
Connectivity in practice the iasbs new project on climate related risks in the financial statements
Iasb initiates project to consider climate related risks in financial statements
Ifrs foundation publishes ifrs accounting taxonomy 2023
Pcaob announces agenda for march 30 meeting of its standards and emerging issues advisory group
Securities and Exchange Commission