Accountants Weekly - 30 maart 2022
Wat de internationale accountantsorganisaties willen dat u weet, elke week netjes gestructureerd in uw e-mailbox!
Over de hele wereld verschijnen er nieuwsberichten en andere relevante stukken voor accountants. Wekelijks verzamelen we deze berichten per ‘instituut’. Mist u relevante internationale nieuwsbronnen, tip ons dan.
CPA Canada
- job opportunities - efrag sustainability reporting technical staff
Esrs g2 products and services, management and quality of relationships with business partners.
- efrag publishes today the last ptf-esrs cluster working paper
Gobal Reporting
Ifrs foundation and gri to align capital market and multi-stakeholder standards
How taxes demonstrate impact and accountability
Join the staff iasb technical staff digital financial reporting
Ifrs foundation publishes ifrs accounting taxonomy 2022
Karen b. dietrich named the director of the office of international affairs for the pcaob
At march 29 open meeting, pcaob to consider adoption of charters for new advisory groups
Securities and Exchange Commission